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The UvA Data Science Centre, part of the University Library, is pleased to invite you to Data Science Day on Friday, 13 October. This year's central theme is interdisciplinary data science collaboration. Leading experts and researchers will share their knowledge and insights on the latest developments in the field of data science and AI.
Event details of Data Science Day 2023
13 October 2023
09:00 -18:30

What does interdisciplinary data science collaboration look like at the UvA? How do we balance ethical, legal and social aspects of artificial intelligence? Join us for Data Science Day and find out! The day kicks off with morning workshops on data science for UvA researchers. The afternoon programme is open to everyone interested. 

Morning programme

UvA researchers can join for a morning of workshops and knowledge building. Enhance your data science skills and sign up for a workshop 'Introduction to computer vision' (no prior knowlegde required) or 'Building an interactive web application with R' (if you are familiar with the basics of R and RStudio). Registration is free, lunch is included.

  • Time: 09:00 – 12:30 (walk-ins at 09:00, start workshop at 09:30, followed by a lunch at 12:30 - 13:30)
  • Location: Bushuis/Oost-Indisch Huis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amsterdam

Afternoon programme

In the public afternoon programme, the possibilities of interdisciplinary data science are explored and the ethical, legal and social aspects of artificial intelligence will be discussed. Join us for an inspiring keynote presentation by Prof. Gabriele Jacobs (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) on public safety and AI, witness the launch of the very first DSC research laboratory on human-aligned video-AI (DSC HAVA-Lab), and get updated on the latest developments in data science and AI in pitch presentations and poster sessions. The day will be concluded with networking drinks. 

  • Time: 13:30 -18:30 (walk-ins at 13:30, start programme at 14:00, networking drinks at 16:45)
  • Location: KNAW, Het Trippenhuis