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What does interdisciplinary data science collaboration look like at the UvA? How do we balance ethical, legal and social aspects of artificial intelligence? These topics will be addressed and discussed at the upcoming Data Science Day on 13 October.
Event details of Data Science Day 2023: Afternoon programme
13 October 2023
13:30 -18:30

Listen to a Keynote presentation by Prof. dr. Gabriele Jacobs on responsible AI in the field of public safety, be witness to the launch of the very first DSC research laboratory on human-aligned video-AI (DSC HAVA-Lab) and get updated on the latest developments in data science in leading research programmes across the UvA. Meet former colleagues and potential new ones at the concluding networking drinks.

Data Science Day is organised by the UvA Data Science Centre to highlight the importance of interdisciplinary data science in current research and society. Renowned experts and DSC-researchers share their knowledge and insights on the latest developments in the field of data science and AI. 

Can't make it to Amsterdam in-person? The programme will be streamed via Zoom. We kindly ask you to register for the online livestream in advance


UvA researchers can participate in interactive workshops during a morning programme, from 09:00 to 13:30 (including lunch). Read more about the morning programme.

13:30 Walk-ins and networking
14:00 Welcome to Data Science Day

Updates from UvA theme-based collaboration programmes 

  • Responsible Digital Transformation theme by Christine Erb 
  • Sustainable Prosperity theme by Dylan Suijker
  • Healthy Future theme by Agneta Fischer
  • Fair and Resilient Societies theme by Roel Beetsma

Interdisciplinary data science collaboration at the UvA: What does it look like? 

  • Responsible Digital Transformation theme project: Understanding the Human in the Loop - Behavioural insights to develop responsible AI tools 
    by Shaul Shalvi (Faculty of Economics and Business), Chris Starke (Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences)
  • Data Science Centre Away Day: Debunking AI-Ethics Myths
    by DSC members Paula Helm (Faculty of Humanities), Owen Kapelle (Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Science) 
  • Launch of the DSC HAVA-Lab  (winning recipient of the DSC Interdisciplinary PhD Lighthouse Call
    by Cees Snoek (Faculty of Science)

Networking break


Keynote 'Studying AI in Public Safety: Learnings from a multi-stakeholder perspective'

by Gabriele Jacobs, Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Culture at Erasmus University, Principal Investigator AI-MAPS

16:40 Closing remarks
16:45 Networking drinks 
18:30 End of event

Re-visit last year's Data Science Day

Click to watch Data Science Day 2022 in less than 2 minutes