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The Pint of Science festival takes place annually in May. It brings researchers to the pub around your corner, where they tell you about the latest news from their scientific world. The Pint of Science festival is an international festival which this year is being held simultaneously in 25+ countries. This festival is the perfect opportunity to meet the researchers working on tomorrow's science. Frank Takken and Aalt -Jan van Dijk (both from UvA-SILS) will talk about the future of plants. Come have a beer with them!
Event details of Behind your salad-
14 May 2024
20:30 -22:30
Prof. dr. A.D.J. (Aalt-Jan) van Dijk

"SaladGPT – towards future plants using Artificial Intelligence"

Dr. ing. F.L.W. (Frank) Takken

"Food, feed, fun and fiber, how to turn weeds into sustainable crops?"