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On Wednesday, 16 October, Peter-Paul Verbeek, rector magnificus of the University of Amsterdam, officially opened the Human-Aligned Video-AI Laboratory (HAVA-Lab), launching a groundbreaking research project focusing on the human alignment of video-Artificial Intelligence.

This project is the first at UvA to involve all seven faculties, highlighting the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration to address complex societal challenges. The HAVA-Lab is a PhD programme of the UvA Data Science Centre, located within the University Library.

In this video, all seven PhD candidates introduce themselves and share their perspectives on the project.

On 16 October 2024 Peter-Paul Verbeek, rector magnificus of the University of Amsterdam, officially opened the Human-Aligned Video AI (HAVA)-Lab. A research project focusing on the human alignment of video-Artificial Intelligence, initiated by the Data Science Centre of the UvA.
Meet the phd's who are working in the HAVA Lab, initiated by the Data Science Centre of the UvA.
Official opening of the HAVA-Lab on Wednesday 16 October by UvA rector magnificus Peter-Paul Verbeek