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Dr. M.T. (Taghi) Ramezan Zadeh

Faculty of Economics and Business
Section Strategy & International Business

Visiting address
  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
Postal address
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Volberda, H. W., Schneidmuller, T., & Zadeh, T. (2021). Knowledge and Innovation: From Path Dependency Toward Managerial Agency. In I. M. Duhaime, M. A. Hitt, & M. A. Lyles (Eds.), Strategic Management: State of the Field and Its Future (pp. 445-466). Oxford University Press. [details]


    • Khanagha, S., Ramezan Zadeh, M. T., Mihalache, O. R., & Volberda, H. W. (2018). Embracing Bewilderment: Responding to technological disruption in heterogeneous market environments. Journal of Management Studies, 55(7), 1078-1121.


    Prize / grant

    • Fa, C., Ramezan Zadeh, T., Özalp, H. & Volberda, H. (2022). Best Paper Award.
    • R. Zadeh, M. T. & Volberda, H. (2015). Best paper award.

    Talk / presentation


    • Fa, C. (participant), R. Zadeh, M. T. (participant), Özalp, H. (participant) & Volberda, H. (participant) (30-9-2023). Strategic Management Society Annual Conference (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Nguyen, H. (participant), R. Zadeh, M. T. (participant) & Volberda, H. (participant) (20-6-2023). R&D Management Conference, Sevilla. Bragi’s New Poem: A Dominant Frame for Responsible Innovation (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Fa, C. (participant), R. Zadeh, M. T. (participant), Özalp, H. (participant) & Volberda, H. (participant) (14-6-2023 - 16-6-2023). EURAM 2023, Dublin. Platform integration as a double-edged sword in the complementary market: How platform integration affects knowledge sharing among incumbent (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ramezan Zadeh, T. (participant) & Volberda, H. (participant) (2020). SMS Annual Conference, London. Pluralistic Identity Strategies for Proactive Adaptation: A Multi-level Process Model (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ramezan Zadeh, T. (participant) & Volberda, H. (participant) (2020). 27TH IPDMC EIASM, Antwerp. We are going digital: leveraging organizational identity pluralism for adaptation to technological discontinuities (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ramezan Zadeh, T. (participant) & Volberda, H. (participant) (2020). 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hamburg. Organizational identity as problem and solution: Pluralistic identity strategies for adaptation to new technologies (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ramezan Zadeh, T. (participant) & Volberda, H. (participant) (2020). EURAM Annual Conference, Dublin. Platformization of incumbents: Pluralistic identity strategy for proactive digitalization (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Ramezan Zadeh, T. (participant), Khanagha, S. (participant), Mihalache, O. R. (participant) & Volberda, H. (participant) (2020). SMS special conference, Berkeley. Adaptation to a platform technology in era of ferment: A moderated mediation model of capability, cognition, and regulations effects (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities