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Dr. A.M. (Ana) Oprescu

Faculty of Science
Informatics Institute

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  • Science Park 904
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  • Postbus 94323
    1090 GH Amsterdam
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    Cloud shopping for everyone!
  • VENI-2014 Proposal

    CloudIA: An user-centric decision framework for a-la-carte Cloud Applications

    The summary of my proposal:

    The cloud market should make computing accessible to more users and promises unprecedented flexibility for their applications. These promises fall short, because cloud computing remains too complex for most users: biologists, physicists, astronomers, financial-experts, or data-analysts have to choose (before execution) the cloud computing resources (CPU types, CPU numbers, memory, disk space, network bandwidth) suitable for their applications.

    My goal with this project is to break this usability barrier, and provide a system to guide users when “shopping" in the cloud computing market. Essentially, I will provide cloud computing a-la-carte: users specify desired application behaviour, and CloudIA provides them with a customized cloud deployment configuration.


    Surprisingly, cloud providers have not already solved this problem, although they should tailor to their customer needs to survive. Actually, providers rely on the naivety of users, and offer pre-packaged, typically under/over-provisioned services. In turn, users have to shrink/expand their needs to fit these packages, an "adaptation" leading to losses in performance and/or money.


    With different requirements from application to application and from execution to execution, the pre-packaging approach does not scale. Thus, CloudIA will embed methods for systematic translations of requirements into feasible cloud services offerings. I will (1)develop new methods to automatically extract resource requirements as a function of the user’s performance expectation, (2)design mechanisms to construct (near-)optimal sets of deployment solutions (i.e. solving the trade-off between the resources required to maintain the expected level of performance and their costs), (3)show how dynamic cloud computing service offerings, needed to address the dynamic requests from the users, will change the cloud providers market (for the better).



    My results will have a strong impact on both cloud users, by simplifying their interaction with the providers, and cloud providers, by creating a dynamic view of cloud computing commodities, leading to a more competitive cloud computing market.


    Letters of support:  


    Disclosure policy: 

    Unfortunately, the proposal was not awarded a VENI grant. However, you may contact me ( if you would like to learn more about its technical content. 

  • Publications


    • Stutterheim, J., Mifsud, A., & Oprescu, A. (2024). DYNAMOS: Dynamic Microservice Composition for Data-Exchange Systems, Lessons Learned. In Proceedings - IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Architecture Companion, ICSA-C 2024 (pp. 8-15). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..


    • Baars, S., & Oprescu, A. (2023). Finding Code Clone Refactoring Techniques by Mapping Clone Context. In Z. Porkoláb, & V. Zsók (Eds.), Composability, Comprehensibility and Correctness of Working Software - 8th Summer School, CEFP 2019, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 344-357). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11950). Springer.
    • De Reus, P., Oprescu, A., & Van Elsen, K. (2023). Energy Cost and Machine Learning Accuracy Impact of k-Anonymisation and Synthetic Data Techniques. In Proceedings - 2023 International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, ICT4S 2023 (pp. 57-65). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..


    • Bachmann, T., Van Der Wal, D., Van Der Bijl, M., Van Der Meij, D., & Oprescu, A. (2022). Translating EULYNX SysML Models into Symbolic Transition Systems for Model-Based Testing of Railway Signaling Systems. In Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 15th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2022 (pp. 355-364). (Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 15th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2022). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
    • Koedijk, L., & Oprescu, A. (2022). Finding Significant Differences in the Energy Consumption when Comparing Programming Languages and Programs. In C. Calero, A. Karvonen, E. Somova, J. P. Fernandes, A.-K. Peters, & J. Cunha (Eds.), Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, ICT4S 2022 (pp. 1-12). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
    • Oprescu, A., Misdorp, S., & Van Elsen, K. (2022). Energy cost and accuracy impact of k-anonymity. In C. Calero, A. Karvonen, E. Somova, J. P. Fernandes, A.-K. Peters, & J. Cunha (Eds.), Proceedings - 2022 International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, ICT4S 2022 (pp. 65-76). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
    • Postema, J., Fabry, J., Barthol, Y., & Oprescu, A. (2022). Testing a PL/I Compiler Using Precomputation-based Program Generation. In Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 15th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, ICST 2022 (pp. 334-344). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
    • van den Brink, B., Zameni, T., Tikhonova, U., Vinke, L., & Oprescu, A. M. (2022). Leveraging composability in model-based testing for microservices. In Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop, BENEVOL 2022 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 3245). CEUR-WS.


    • Van Hijfte, L., & Oprescu, A. (2021). MutantBench: An equivalent mutant problem comparison framework. In Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 14th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops, ICSTW 2021 (pp. 7-12). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..


    • Bohlken, W., van der Bijl, M., & Oprescu, A. M. (2020). Model-based fuzzing using symbolic transition systems - work in progress. In Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution, SATToSE 2020 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2754). CEUR-WS.
    • Bruch Tàrrega, N., Živković, M., & Oprescu, A. (2020). Measuring the impact of library dependency on maintenance. In Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution, SATToSE 2020 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2754). CEUR-WS.
    • Leidekker, Q., Oprescu, A. M., & Bergmans, L. (2020). Causal inference for theory building in software evolution work in progress. In Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution, SATToSE 2020 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2754). CEUR-WS.
    • Löhnertz, J., & Oprescu, A. M. (2020). Steinmetz: Toward automatic decomposition of monolithic software into microservices. In Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution, SATToSE 2020 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2754). CEUR-WS.
    • Spadini, D., Schvarcbacher, M., Oprescu, A.-M., Bruntink, M., & Bacchelli, A. (2020). Investigating Severity Thresholds for Test Smells. In MSR 2020: 2020 IEEE/ACM 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories : proceedings : Seoul, Republic of Korea, 29-30 June 2020 (pp. 311-321). The Association for Computing Machinery., [details]


    • Baars, S., & Oprescu, A. (2019). Towards Automated Merging of Code Clones in Object-Oriented Programming Languages. In A. Etien (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution (SATTOSE 2019): Bolzano, Italy, July 8-10 Day, 2019 Article 6 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2510). CEUR-WS. [details]
    • Baars, S., & Oprescu, A. (2019). Towards automated refactoring of code clones in object-oriented programming languages. In Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution, SATTOSE 2019 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2510). CEUR-WS.
    • Cojocaru, M., Uta, A., & Oprescu, A. (2019). MicroValid: A Validation Framework for Automatically Decomposed Microservices. In J. Chen, & L. T. Yang (Eds.), The 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2019): the 19th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2019) ; the 2019 International Workshop on Resource Brokering with Blockchain (RBchain 2019) ; the 2019 Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2019) : proceedings : 11-13 December 2019, Sydney, Australia (pp. 78-86). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Cojocaru, M.-D., Uta, A., & Oprescu, A.-M. (2019). Attributes assessing the quality of microservices automatically decomposed from monolithic applications. In 2019 18th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing: ISPDC 2019 : proceedings : 5-7 June 2019, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (pp. 84-93). (Proceedings International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing; Vol. 2019). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Deknop, C., Mens, K., Baars, S., Oprescu, A., & Fabry, J. (2019). Clone detection vs. Pattern mining: The Battle. In Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop, BENEVOL 2019 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2605). CEUR-WS.
    • Meester, S., Bouwmeester, S., Oprescu, A. M., & Bruntink, M. (2019). Towards a Naming Quality Model. In A. Etien (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution (SATTOSE 2019): Bolzano, Italy, July 8-10 Day, 2019 Article 6 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2510). CEUR-WS. [details]
    • Popa, N. M., & Oprescu, A. (2019). A Data-Centric Approach to Distributed Tracing. In J. Chen, & L. T. Yang (Eds.), The 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2019): the 19th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2019) ; the 2019 International Workshop on Resource Brokering with Blockchain (RBchain 2019) ; the 2019 Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2019) : proceedings : 11-13 December 2019, Sydney, Australia (pp. 209-216). IEEE Computer Society. [details]
    • Schvarcbacher, M., Spadini, D., Bruntink, M., & Oprescu, A. (2019). Investigating Developer Perception on Test Smells Using Better Code Hub: work in progress. In A. Etien (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution (SATTOSE 2019): Bolzano, Italy, July 8-10 Day, 2019 Article 10 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2510). CEUR-WS. [details]
    • Wijnmaalen, J., Chen, C., Bijlsma, D., & Oprescu, A-M. (2019). The Relation between Software Maintainability and Issue Resolution Time: A Replication Study. In A. Etien (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution (SATTOSE 2019): Bolzano, Italy, July 8-10 Day, 2019 Article 11 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2510). CEUR-WS. [details]


    • Uta, A., Danner, O., van der Weegen, C., Oprescu, A. M., Sandu, A., Costache, S., & Kielmann, T. (2018). MemEFS: A network-aware elastic in-memory runtime distributed file system. Future Generation Computer Systems, 82, 631-646.


    • Jansen, J., Oprescu, A., & Bruntink, M. (2017). The impact of automated code quality feedback in programming education. In Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution, SATToSE 2017 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2070). CEUR-WS.
    • Leahu, H., Mandjes, M., & Oprescu, A.-M. (2017). A Numerical Approach to Stability of Multiclass Queueing Networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(10), 5478-5484. [details]
    • Van Beckhoven, P., Oprescu, A., & Bruntink, M. (2017). Assessing test suite effectiveness using static metrics. In Seminar on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution, SATToSE 2017 Article 3 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2070). CEUR-WS.


    • Uta, A., Oprescu, A. M., & Kielmann, T. (2016). Towards resource disaggregation - Memory scavenging for scientific workloads. In Proceedings - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, CLUSTER 2016 (pp. 100-109). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..


    • Filip, A. V., Oprescu, A. M., Costache, S., & Kielmann, T. (2015). E-BaTS: Energy-Aware Scheduling for Bag-of-Task Applications in HPC Clusters. Parallel Processing Letters, 25(3), Article 1541005.
    • Oprescu, A. M., Filip, A., & Kielmann, T. (2015). Fast pareto front approximation for cloud instance pool optimization. In S. Silva (Ed.), GECCO 2015 - Companion Publication of the 2015 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (pp. 1443-1444). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.


    • Dumitru, C., Oprescu, A.-M., Živković, M., van der Mei, R., Grosso, P., & de Laat, C. (2014). A queueing theory approach to Pareto optimal bags-of-tasks scheduling on clouds. In F. Silva, I. Dutra, & V. Santos Costa (Eds.), Euro-Par 2014 Parallel Processing: 20th International Conference, Porto, Portugal, August 25-29, 2014 : proceedings (pp. 162-173). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 8632), (Advanced Research in Computing and Software Science). Springer. [details]
    • Makkes, M. X., Cushing, R., Oprescu, A.-M., Koning, R., Grosso, P., Meijer, R., & de Laat, C. (2014). Smart Cyber Infrastructure for Big Data processing. In Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition : OFC 2014: 9-13 March 2014 Optical Society of America. [details]
    • Makkes, M. X., Oprescu, A. M., Strijkers, R., De Laat, C., & Meijer, R. (2014). MeTRO: Low latency network paths with routers-on-demand. In Euro-Par 2013: Parallel Processing Workshops - BigDataCloud, DIHC, FedICI, HeteroPar, HiBB, LSDVE, MHPC, OMHI, PADABS, PROPER, Resilience, ROME, and UCHPC 2013, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 333-342). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 8374). Springer.


    • Antonescu, A-F., Oprescu, A-M., Demchenko, Y., de Laat, C., & Braun, T. (2013). Dynamic Optimization of SLA-Based Services Scaling Rules. In Proceedings IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2013 : 2-5 Dec. 2013, Bristol, United Kingdom (Vol. 1, pp. 282-289). IEEE. [details]
    • Demchenko, Y., Bernstein, D., Belloum, A., Oprescu, A., Wlodarczyk, T. W., & de Laat, C. (2013). New Instructional Models for Building Effective Curricula on Cloud Computing Technologies and Engineering. In Proceedings IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science: CloudCom 2013 : 2-5 Dec. 2013, Bristol, United Kingdom (Vol. 2, pp. 112-119). IEEE. [details]
    • Oprescu, A. M., Antonescu, A. F., Demchenko, Y., & De Laat, C. (2013). ICOMF: Towards a multi-cloud ecosystem for dynamic resource composition and scaling. In IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2013 (pp. 49-55). IEEE.
    • Oprescu, A. M., Voulgaris, S., & Leahu, H. (2013). Strategies for generating and evaluating large-scale powerlaw-distributed P2P overlays. In Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems - 13th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2013, Held as Part of the 8th International Federated Conference on DisCoTec 2013, Proceedings (pp. 71-84). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7891). Springer.
    • Vintila, A., Oprescu, A. M., & Kielmann, T. (2013). Fast (re-)configuration of mixed on-demand and spot instance pools for high-throughput computing. In ORMaCloud '13: Proceedings of the first ACM workshop on Optimization techniques for resources management in clouds (pp. 25-32). ACM.


    • Oprescu, A. M., Kielmann, T., & Leahu, H. (2012). Stochastic tail-phase optimization for bag-of-tasks execution in clouds. In Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/ACM 5th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, UCC 2012 (pp. 204-208). IEEE.


    • Oprescu, A. M., Kielmann, T., & Leahu, H. (2011). Budget estimation and control for bag-of-tasks scheduling in clouds. Parallel Processing Letters, 21(2), 219-243.
    • Pierre, G., El Helw, I., Stratan, C., Oprescu, A., Kielmann, T., Schütt, T., Jan, S., Artac, M., & Černivec, A. (2011). ConPaaS: An integrated runtime environment for elastic cloud applications. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Posters and Demos Track, PDT'11 - 12th International Middleware Conference, Middleware'11 Article 5 ACM.


    • Oprescu, A. M., & Kielmann, T. (2010). Bag-of-tasks scheduling under budget constraints. In Proceedings - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom 2010 (pp. 351-359). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..


    • Oprescu, A. M., Kielmann, T., & Fokkink, W. (2009). FTRepMI: Fault-tolerant, sequentially-consistent object replication for grid applications. In Distributed Computing and Networking - 10th International Conference, ICDCN 2009, Proceedings (pp. 368-376). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 5408). Springer.


    • Wrzesinska, G., Oprescu, A. M., Kielmann, T., & Bal, H. (2007). Persistent fault-tolerance for divide-and-conquer applications on the grid. In Euro-Par 2007 Parallel Processing - 13th International Euro-Par Conference, Proceedings (pp. 425-436). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 4641). Springer Verlag.


    • Oprescu, A. M., Kokken, I., Maat, K., & De Geus, F. (2023). Introducing Green Thinking Into CS Bachelor Curriculum. In ITiCSE 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (pp. 667). Association for Computing Machinery.


    • Dumitru, C., Koning, R., Oprescu, A. M., Demchenko, Y., Grosso, P., & de Laat, C. T. A. M. (2014). Enabling User-Centric Data-Intensive Application Deployment in Clouds Using the Open Cloud Exchange. Paper presented at Enabling User-Centric Data-Intensive Application Deployment in Clouds Using the Open Cloud Exchange
      , New Orleans, United States.


    • Irion, K. (organiser), Kolk, A. (organiser), Oprescu, A. (organiser) & Milan, S. (organiser) (21-3-2024 - 22-3-2024). Sustainable Digitalization in Europe, Amsterdam. Digitalisation in Europe is in full swing and increasingly of strategic importance for the European project. According to the European Commission (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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