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van Daalen, O. L., van Hoboken, J. V. J., & Rucz, M. (2023). Export control of cybersurveillance items in the new dual-use regulation: The challenges of applying human rights logic to export control. Computer Law & Security Review, 48, Article 105789. Advance online publication.[details]
van Hoboken, J., Quintais, J. P., Appelman, N., Fahy, R., Buri, I., & Straub, M. (Eds.) (2023). Putting the DSA into Practice: Enforcement, Access to Justice and Global Implications. Verfassungsbooks.[details]
van den Heuvel, K., & van Hoboken, J. (2022). The justiciability of data privacy issues in Europe and the US. In G. González Fuster, R. Van Brakel, & P. De Hert (Eds.), Research Handbook on Privacy and Data Protection Law: Values, Norms and Global Politics (pp. 73-108). (Research Handbooks in Information Law). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication.[details]
Appelman, N., Ó Fathaigh, R., & van Hoboken, J. (2021). Social Welfare, Risk Profiling and Fundamental Rights: The Case of SyRI in the Netherlands. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 12(4), 257-271.[details]
Buri, I., & van Hoboken, J. V. J. (2021). The DSA Proposal's Impact on Digital Dominance. In R. Heiko, S. Marlene, & T. Erik (Eds.), To Break Up or Regulate Big Tech? Avenues to Constrain Private Power in the DSA/DMA Package (pp. 10-15). Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition.
Yakovleva, S., & van Hoboken, J. (2021). The Algorithmic Learning Deficit: Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection and Trade. In M. Burri (Ed.), Big Data and Global Trade Law (pp. 212-230). Cambridge University Press.[details]
van Hoboken, J., & Ó Fathaigh, R. (2021). Regulating Disinformation in Europe: Implications for Speech and Privacy. UC Irvine Journal of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law, 6, 9-36. Article 3. Advance online publication.[details]
van Hoboken, J., & Ó Fathaigh, R. (2021). Smartphone platforms as privacy regulators. Computer Law and Security Review, 41, Article 105557. Advance online publication.[details]
Harambam, J., Bountouridis, D., Makhortykh, M., & van Hoboken, J. (2019). Designing for the better by taking users into account: a qualitative evaluation of user control mechanisms in (news) recommender systems. In 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems: RECSYS 2019 : Copenhagen, Denmark, September 16-20, 2019 (pp. 69-77). The Association for Computing Machinery.[details]
Mahieu, R., van Hoboken, J., & Asghari, H. (2019). Responsibility for data protection in a networked world: On the question of the controller, “effective and complete protection” and its application to data access rights in Europe . Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 10(1), 39-59.[details]
Gürses, S., & van Hoboken, J. (2018). Privacy after the Agile Turn. In E. Selinger, J. Polonetsky, & O. Tene (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Privacy (pp. 579-601). Cambridge University Press.[details]
Harambam, J., Helberger, N., & van Hoboken, J. (2018). Democratizing algorithmic news recommenders: how to materialize voice in a technologically saturated media ecosystem. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376(2133), Article 20180088. Advance online publication.[details]
Gürses, S., Kundnani, A., & Van Hoboken, J. (2016). Crypto and empire: the contradictions of counter-surveillance advocacy. Media, Culture & Society, 38(4), 576-590.[details]
van Hoboken, J. (2016). From Collection to Use in Privacy Regulation? A Forward-Looking Comparison of European and US Frameworks for Personal Data Processing. In B. van der Sloot, D. Broeders, & E. Schrijvers (Eds.), Exploring the Boundaries of Big Data (pp. 231-259). (WRR-verkenning; No. 32). Amsterdam University Press.[details]
van Hoboken, J. (2015). Search Engines, Pluralism And Diversity: What Is At Stake And How To Move Policy Forward? In P. Valcke, M. Sükösd, & R. G. Picard (Eds.), Media pluralism and diversity: concepts, risks and global trends (pp. 341-357). (Palgrave global media policy and business series). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
van Hoboken, J., & Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. (2015). Scoping Electronic Communication Privacy Rules: Data, Services and Values. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 6(3), 198-210. [details]
van Hoboken, J. (2009). Legal space for innovative ordering: on the need to update selection intermediary liability in the EU. International Journal of Communications Law and Policy, 13, 49-69.[details]
Appelman, N., van Duin, J., Fahy, R., van Hoboken, J., Helberger, N., & Zarouali, B. (2022). Access to Digital Justice: In Search of an Effective Remedy for Removing Unlawful Online Content. In X. Kramer, J. Hoevenaars, B. Kas, & E. Themeli (Eds.), Frontiers in Civil Justice: Privatisation, Monetisation and Digitisation (pp. 217-236). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication.[details]
van Hoboken, J., Buri, I., Quintais, J. P., Fahy, R., Appelman, N., & Straub, M. (2022). The DSA has been published – now the difficult bit begins. Web publication or website, Verfassungsblog.[details]
Helberger, N., Eskens, S., Strycharz, J., Bouchè, G., van Hoboken, J., van Mil, J., Toh, J., Appelman, N., van Apeldoorn, J., van Eechoud, M., van Doorn, N., Sax, M., & de Vreese, C. (2021). Conditions for technological solutions in a COVID-19 exit strategy, with particular focus on the legal and societal conditions: report for ZonMw. IViR, University of Amsterdam.[details]
van Daalen, O. L., van Hoboken, J. V. J., Koot, M., & Rucz, M. (2021). The new rules for export control of cyber-surveillance items in the EU. Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam. [details]
Appelman, N. M. I. D., Toh, W. J., Fahy, R. F., & van Hoboken, J. V. J. (2020). Techno-optimism and solutionism as a crisis response. In L. Taylor, G. Sharma, A. Martin, & S. Jameson (Eds.), Data Justice and COVID-19: Global Perspectives (pp. 190-195). Meatspace Press.
van Hoboken, J., Appelman, N., van Duin, A., Blom, T., Zarouali, B., Ó Fathaigh, R., Seel, M., Stringhi, E., & Helberger, N. (2020). WODC-onderzoek: Voorziening voor verzoeken tot snelle verwijdering van onrechtmatige online content: Eindrapportage. (WODC rapport; No. 3108). Instituut voor Informatierecht, Universiteit van Amsterdam.[details]
Fahy, R., van Hoboken, J., & van Eijk, N. (2018). Data Privacy, Transparency and the Data-Driven Transformation of Games to Services. In 2018 IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM): 15-17 Aug. 2018 (pp. 135-145). IEEE.[details]
van Hoboken, J. (2009). Search engine law and freedom of expression: a European perspective. In K. Becker, & F. Stalder (Eds.), Deep search: the politics of search beyond Google (pp. 85-97). Studienverlag. [details]
van Hoboken, J. (2009). Suchmaschinen-Gesetzgebung und die Frage der Ausdrucksfreiheit: eine europäische Perspektive. In K. Becker, & F. Stalder (Eds.), Deep search: Politik des Suchens jenseits von Google (pp. 98-111). Studienverlag. [details]
Angelopoulos, C., & van Hoboken, J. (2008). Workshop on audiovisual search: summary of the discussion. In S. Nikoltchev (Ed.), Searching for audiovisual content (pp. 1-10). (IRIS special). European Audiovisual Observatory. [details]
Helberger, N., & van Hoboken, J. (2008). Looking ahead: future issues when reflecting on the place of the iConsumer in consumer law and copyright law. Journal of Consumer Policy, 31(4), 489-496.[details]
Le Borgne-Bachschmidt, F., Girieud, S., Leiba, M., de Munck, S., Limonard, S., Poel, M., Kool, L., Helberger, N., Guibault, L., Janssen, E., van Eijk, N., Angelopoulos, C., van Hoboken, J., & Swart, E. (2008). User-created content: supporting a participative information society: final report. IDATE [etc.].[details]
van Hoboken, J. (2008). Freedom of expression implications for the governance of search. In S. Nikoltchev (Ed.), Searching for audiovisual content (pp. 49-62). (IRIS special). European Audiovisual Observatory. [details]
van Hoboken, J. V. J. (2008). De aansprakelijkheid van zoekmachines: uitzondering zonder regels of regels zonder uitzondering? Computerrecht, 2008(1), 15-22. [details]
van Hoboken, J. V. J. (2008). Zoekmachines en de Wbp: over de grens van onze digitale horizon. Privacy & Informatie, 11(6), 210-216. [details]
Janssen, H. L., Verboeket, L. W., Meiring, A., van Hoboken, J. V. J., van Eechoud, M. M. M., van den Brink, J. E., Ortlep, R., & Bodó, B. (2022). Gemeentelijke grip op private sensorgegevens: Juridisch kader voor het gemeentelijke handelingsperspectief bij de verwerking van private sensorgegevens in de openbare ruimte. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Instituut voor Informatierecht.[details]
Senftleben, M. R. F., Gompel, S. J. V., Helmond, A., Schumacher, L. D., Ausloos, J., Hoboken, J. V. J. V., & Quintais, J. P. (2021). Webharvesting. (WODC rapport; No. 3142). Universiteit van Amsterdam - Instituut voor Informatierecht (IVIR).[details]
van Hoboken, J., Quintais, J. P., Poort, J., & van Eijk, N. (2018). Hosting Intermediary Services and Illegal Content Online: An analysis of the scope of article 14 ECD in light of developments in the online service landscape. (Digital Single Market). European Commission.[details]
Castelluccia, C., Guerses, S., Hansen, M., Hoepman, J. H., van Hoboken, J., & Vieira, B. (2017). Privacy and data protection in mobile applications: A study on the app development ecosystem and the technical implementation of GDPR. ENISA, the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security.[details]
Irion, K., Yakovleva, S., van Hoboken, J., & Thomson, M. (2017). A Roadmap to Enhancing User Control via Privacy Dashboards. University of Amsterdam, Institute for Information Law. [details]
Zuiderveen Borgesius, F., van Hoboken, J., Fahy, R., Irion, K., & Rozendaal, M. (2017). An Assessment of the Commission’s Proposal on Privacy and Electronic Communications: Study for the LIBE Committee. European Parliament, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs.[details]
van Hoboken, J. (2014). Google Edit voor People Search? Gevolgen van recht op vergetelheid. IP : vakblad voor informatieprofessionals, 18(7), 16-19. [details]
van Hoboken, J. V. J. (2014). HvJ EU (rolnr. C-131/12: Google Spain and Google Inc. tegen Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) and Costeja González). 186. Case note on: HvJ EU, 13/05/14 EHRC. European Human Right Cases, 2014(9), 491-495. [details]
van Hoboken, J. V. J. (2009). HvJ EG (inzake Dataretentierichtlijn). 59. Case note on: HvJ EG, 10/02/09 Privacy & Informatie, 2009(12-2), 86-88. [details]
van Hoboken, J. V. J. (2012). Google heeft een mening. NRC Handelsblad.
Fahy, R. F., van Hoboken, J. V. J., & van Eijk, N. A. N. M. (2018). Mobile Privacy and Business-to-Platform Dependencies: An Analysis of SEC Disclosures. Paper presented at Privacy Law Scholars Conference 2018, Washington, District of Columbia, United States.
Fahy, R. F., van Hoboken, J. V. J., & van Eijk, N. A. N. M. (2018). Mobile Privacy and Business-to-Platform Dependencies: An Analysis of SEC Disclosures. Paper presented at TPRC, Washington, DC, United States.
Fahy, R. F., van Hoboken, J. V. J., & van Eijk, N. A. N. M. (2018). The Data-Driven Transformation of Games to Services: The Impact of Mobile Platforms on App Business Models. Paper presented at Privacy Law Scholars Conference Europe 2018, Brussels, Belgium.
van Hoboken, J. V. J., Fahy, R. F., van Eijk, N. A. N. M., Liccardi, I., & Weitzner, D. (2017). Transparency and Privacy in Smartphone Ecosystems: A Comparative Perspective. Paper presented at Tilting perspectives 2017:, Netherlands.
Borgesius, F., & van Hoboken, J. (2015). Protecting e-Privacy in the Digital Age - On the Scope of Electronic Communication Privacy Rules: Data, Services or Values. Paper presented at EuroCPR conference, Brussels 2015.
van Hoboken, J. (2014). Some Deeper Truths about ‘European Privacy Law’: on the Unappreciated Diversity and the Clash of Policy Rationales at the EU level. Paper presented at 7th Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference, 2014, .
Helberger, N., van Eechoud, M. & van Hoboken, J. (2020-2021). Co-founder and -director Digital Transformation of Decision-Making Initiative, SSH Sectorplan theme Digital Legal Studies, together with J. van (…), .
van Hoboken, J. (2018-2019). Member of Panel of Experts, Digital Freedom Fund.
van Hoboken, J. (2017-2020). Member of the Advisory Council, DECODE Project.
van Hoboken, J. (2017-2021). Member of the Advisory Board of the Data Justice Project (ERC), Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies.
van Hoboken, J. (2017-2018). Member of the Independent Advisory Group on the EC study on Tackling illegal content online (ICF/Grimaldi), European Commission (DG Connect).
van Hoboken, J. (2017-2019). Lid van de Klankbordgroep Big Data (deelname aan een aantal vergaderingen per jaar), Verbond van Verzekeraars.
van Hoboken, J. (2017-2018). Observer, European Digital Rights (EDRi).
van Hoboken, J. (2017-2018). Member of the Ethics Board of the DATACTIVE project at media studies department (ERC project), University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
van Hoboken, J. (2016-2019). Member of the Ethics Board of the DATACTIVE project at media studies department (ERC project), University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
van Hoboken, J. (2016-2019). Observer, European Digital Rights (EDRi).
van Hoboken, J. (2016). Member of the Advisory Expert Committee of the Association of Insurers., Klankbordgroep Big Data.
Media appearance
van Hoboken, J. & van Eijk, N. (01-01-2012). Onbegrip over Patriot Act: interview door Eric van der Steen [Print] BTG-Magazine. Onbegrip over Patriot Act: interview door Eric van der Steen.
Journal editor
van Hoboken, J. (programme committee member) (2018). Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (Journal).
van Hoboken, J. (reviewer) (2017-2019). Internet Policy Review (Journal).
van Hoboken, J. (member of editorial board) (2017-2019). Privacy & Informatie (Journal).
van Hoboken, J. (reviewer) (2016). Computers, Privacy & Data Protection Conference (Event), Brussels.
van Hoboken, J. (reviewer) (2016). Internet Policy Review (Journal).
van Hoboken, J. (reviewer) (2016). Privacy & Informatie (Journal).
Talk / presentation
van Hoboken, J. (invited speaker) (25-11-2016). Privacy After the Agile Turn, KU Leuven.
van Hoboken, J. (invited speaker) (22-11-2016). The Digital After the Agile Turn, The Digital is Political, Isn’t it?, Oslo.
van Hoboken, J. (invited speaker) (11-11-2016). Encryption and Human Rights, The XXXI Nordic Conference on Law & IT, Stockholm.
van Hoboken, J. (invited speaker) (7-11-2016). Algorithms, Transparency and Accountability, ‘Algorithmic accountability and transparency’, Brussels.
van Hoboken, J. (invited speaker) (1-11-2016). DRM, Privacy and Autonomy, MAPPING General Assembly, Prague.
van Hoboken, J. (invited speaker) (24-10-2016). The Right to be Forgotten and the European Model for Intermediary Liability, Law Borders and Speech Conference, Palo Alto.
van Hoboken, J. (invited speaker) (11-10-2016). The Right to be Forgotten for Public Interest Archiving, International Conference: Right to be forgotten vs. Right to remember, Brussels.
Gordon, G. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser), ten Oever, N. (organiser) & Terzis, P. (participant) (14-1-2025). Where things are and aren’t. A colloquium focusing on legal and policy issues raised by activities to establish standardization norms for quantum technologies, led by and drawing (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Leerssen, P. (organiser) & van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (1-7-2024 - 5-7-2024). IViR Summer Course on European Platform Regulation. Organised international course for academics and professionals. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (16-5-2024). Quantum Technologies and the Global South, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Ó Fathaigh, R. (participant), van Hoboken, J. (participant), Helberger, N. (participant), Leerssen, P. (participant) & Quintais, J. (organiser) (15-2-2024 - 16-2-2024). DSA and Platform Regulation Conference 2024, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (13-12-2023). Program Day Action Line 4 Quantum Delta NL, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (28-9-2023). Workshop Disparate Content Moderation, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Leerssen, P. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser) & Buri, I. (organiser) (3-7-2023 - 7-7-2023). IViR Summer Course on European Platform Regulation (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (29-6-2023). From the DMCA to the DSA, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (9-6-2023). Rountable with Civil Society on DSA implementation, Brussels (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (14-2-2023). Quantum & Society Research Colloquium. ‘Embedding quantum technologies into society: five structural challenges’ by Eline de Jong (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (20-12-2022). Quantum & Society Research Colloquium. ‘Developing a governance framework for quantum computing: lessons from the application of decryption powers’ by Ot van Daalen (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) & Gordon, G. (organiser) (4-11-2022). Standards for Quantum Technologies: Context, Politics and Possibilities, Amsterdam. Workshop for the Center for Quantum & Society (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Daalen, O. (organiser) & van Hoboken, J. (chair) (26-10-2022). Workshop on the right to science and export control, Amsterdam. The Institute of Information Law (IViR) on 26 October 2022, as a member of the legaland societal sounding board of the Quantum Software Consortium, (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (18-10-2022). Quantum & Society Research Colloquium. ‘Learning by doing – a practical approach to integrate ethical and societal tools in quantum-innovation’ by Dr. Verena Schulze Greiving (Faculty of (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (3-10-2022). Microsoft Cloud Computing Research Centre – Offsite Retreat (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (20-9-2022). Quantum & Society Research Colloquium. ‘Governing the development towards the Quantum Internet – issues and challenges’ by Marijn Janssen (TU Delft) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (23-6-2022). Quantum & Society Research Colloquium. Quantum & Society Research Colloquium - launch event (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (20-6-2022). European Commission Workshop on the possible impact of EU data and digital legislation on research. Workshop on the possible impact of EU data and digital legislation on research (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (25-5-2022). CPDP, Brussels. Book session on ‘Industry Unbound’ by Ari Waldman (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Helberger, N. (chair) & van Hoboken, J. (chair) (18-3-2022). “The EU’s RT and Sputnik ban: Necessary and Proportionate?” A DSA Observatory & IViR lunch conversation (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Buri, I. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser) & Helberger, N. (organiser) (18-3-2022). The European Union’s RT and Sputnik Ban: Necessary and Proportionate? . On March 1st 2022, and in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the EU passed a measure targeting the dissemination of Russia Today (RT) and (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (25-2-2022). Exploring Article 12 of the Digital Services Act: Terms and Conditions and Fundamental Rights. Exploring Article 12 of the Digital Services Act: Terms and Conditions and Fundamental Rights, event of the DSA Observatory (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Quintais, J. (organiser), Appelman, N. (organiser), Ó Fathaigh, R. (organiser), Buri, I. (organiser) & van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (25-2-2022). “Exploring Article 12 of the Digital Services Act: Terms and Conditions and Fundamental Rights” . Large online platforms provide an unprecedented means for exercising freedom of expression online and wield “enormous power” over public (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) & Buri, I. (organiser) (25-1-2022). Privacy Camp 2022. "The DSA, its future enforcement and the protection of fundamental rights”, a DSA Observatory panel (organizer and moderator) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Quintais, J. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser), Bodó, B. (organiser) & Giannopoulou, A. (organiser) (26-11-2021). IViR Lecture: How to regulate AI? by Professor Mireille Hildebrandt, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (24-11-2021). Expert workshop on Access to Justice & Content Moderation. Organizer of and participant in this event (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Quintais, J. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser), Bodó, B. (organiser) & Giannopoulou, A. (organiser) (4-11-2021). IViR Lecture: Research Exceptions in Comparative Copyright, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Quintais, J. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser), Bodó, B. (organiser) & Giannopoulou, A. (organiser) (29-10-2021). IViR Lecture: “Infrastructuring” Digital Sovereignty? by Professor Francesca Musiani, Amsterdam. IViR Lecture Series: “Infrastructuring” Digital Sovereignty? vy Professor Francesca Musiani (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Helberger, N. (participant), van Hoboken, J. (participant) & Quintais, J. (participant) (14-10-2021). Expert Seminar “The DSA: Implications for Freedom of Expression”. Expert Panel: Dr. Joan Barata (Stanford); Prof. Natali Helberger (IViR); Prof. David Kaye (UC Irvine); Dr. Aleksandra Kuczerawy (KU Leuven); Jan (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Buri, I. (organiser), Ó Fathaigh, R. (organiser) & van Hoboken, J. (chair) (14-10-2021). Expert Seminar “The DSA: Implications for Freedom of Expression”. One of the main objectives of the Digital Services Act (DSA) proposal is to ensure a ‘safe, predicable, and trusted online environment’ where (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Quintais, J. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser), Bodó, B. (organiser) & Giannopoulou, A. (organiser) (25-6-2021). IViR Lecture Series: Regulating digital gatekeepers, by Professor Rupprecht Podszun, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Quintais, J. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser), Bodó, B. (organiser) & Giannopoulou, A. (organiser) (28-5-2021). IVIR Lecture: Towards Platform Observability by Dr. Jeanette Hofmann and Dr. Bernhard Rieder, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (21-5-2021). Netgain field convening on Section 230 (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (chair) (21-5-2021). Data Justice Conference. Chair of the 'Political Economy of Data (In)Justice' panel (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Quintais, J. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser), Bodó, B. (organiser) & Giannopoulou, A. (organiser) (30-4-2021). Copyright Law 2030 – A memorandum on the future of the creative ecosystem in Europe by Michael Grünberger, Amsterdam. IViR Lecture Series: Copyright Law 2030 – A memorandum on the future of the creative ecosystem in Europe by Michael Grünberger (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (21-4-2021). Human Rights Impact Assessment for AI systems (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Buri, I. (organiser) & van Hoboken, J. (chair) (29-3-2021). Workshop on “Academics' Effective Communication with Policymakers”. Academic research and policy making each have their own dynamics and requirements. For academics that have relevant evidence and findings for the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (25-1-2021). Privacy Camp. ‘Teach me how to hurdle: Empowering data subjects beyond the template’ (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (29-1-2020). Doctoral Consortium ACM FAT* 2020, Barcelona. Organization of the Doctoral Consortium for FAT* conference (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (23-1-2020). CPDP Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference, Brussels. ’Between Truth and Power: The Legal Constructions of Informational Capitalism’. A Panel with Julie Cohen. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Daalen, O. (participant) & van Hoboken, J. (chair) (4-12-2019). Panel on societal aspects of quantum computing, Amsterdam. Panel on societal aspects of quantum computing (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (3-12-2019). General Assembly of the Quantum Software Consortium, Amsterdam. Organizer and Moderator, closing panel on ‘Legal and ethical perspectives on quantum computing’ (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (chair) & van Daalen, O. (organiser) (28-11-2019). Exploring encryption policy and quantum technologies, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Daalen, O. (participant) & van Hoboken, J. (participant) (28-11-2019). Workshop on regulatory aspects of quantum computing and encryption, Amsterdam. Workshop (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (chair) (14-11-2019). 3rd meeting of the Transatlantic High-Level Working Group On Content Moderation Online and Freedom of Expression, Bellagio. Session on AI and content moderation (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (12-11-2019 - 16-11-2019). 3rd meeting of the Transatlantic High-Level Working Group On Content Moderation Online and Freedom of Expression, Bellagio. Member of the Steering Committee for the meeting and the project (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (28-10-2019 - 29-10-2019). ACM Workshop on Computer Science and Law, New York. Invited participant for the ACM Workshop on CS and Law (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Irion, K. (organiser), Ausloos, J. (organiser) & van Hoboken, J. V. J. (organiser) (24-10-2019 - 25-10-2019). Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC) Europe, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Irion, K. (organiser), van Hoboken, J. (organiser) & Ausloos, J. (organiser) (24-10-2019 - 25-10-2019). Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC) Europe, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (23-10-2019). Money talks? The impact of corporate funding on academic research in information law and policy (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (9-7-2019). 4th meeting of the EU Platform Observatory, European Commission, Brussels (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (3-7-2019). News from Germany, Amsterdam. Organizer and chair of panel at Spui 25 (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (27-6-2019 - 28-6-2019). AI-Powered Information Ecosystems and Democracy, Montreal. Co-Organizer of CIFAR event (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (29-5-2019). Content Moderation Across Borders, Berkeley (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (9-5-2019 - 12-5-2019). Second meeting of the Transatlantic High-Level Working Group, Santa Monica. Member of the Steering committee for the meeting (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (28-3-2019). 3rd meeting of the EU Platform Observatory, Brussels (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (27-2-2019 - 3-3-2019). First meeting of the Transatlantic High-Level Working Group, Ditchley Park. Member of the Steering Committee (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (29-1-2019). Privacy Camp, Brussels. Organizer and Chair of the session on "Online Platforms and Automated Content Moderation" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. V. J. (examiner) (16-11-2018). Member of PhD committee Vicky Breemen (examination).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (28-9-2018). Intermediaries & Private Speech Regulation Workshop, New Haven (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (17-9-2018). EU Internet Forum – Encryption, Brussels (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (1-9-2018 - 29-1-2019). Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (3-7-2018). AI Now Round Table on Machine Learning, Inequality, and the Challenge of Bias, Berlin. Workshop organized by AI Now (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (1-7-2018 - 2019). Member of Program Committee, ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAT*), 2019. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (1-3-2018 - 31-12-2018). 2nd Workshop on Abusive Language Online (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (1-1-2018 - 31-12-2018). Computers, Privacy & Data Protection, Brussels (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (1-1-2018 - 31-12-2018). International IEEE Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (1-1-2018 - 31-10-2018). Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2018, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (1-1-2018 - 31-12-2018). 2018 International Workshop on Privacy Engineering. International Workshop on Privacy Engineering (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (participant) (18-12-2017 - 22-12-2017). Intersectionality and Algorithmic Discrimination, Leiden. Intersectionality and Algorithmic Discrimination (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (14-6-2017). Privacy and data protection in mobile apps, Brussels. ENISA expert workshop with stakeholders mobile application privacy (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (organiser) (27-1-2017). Computers, Privacy & Data Protection Conference, Brussels. Panel on ‘Rethinking Big Data’ (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (2017). 2017 International Workshop on Privacy Engineering, San Jose (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (2017). Third International IEEE Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things, Vancouver (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (2016). Second International Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud Computing and Cloud Supported Internet of Things, Berlin (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (member of programme committee) (2016). 2016 International Workshop on Privacy Engineering, San Jose (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Appelman, N. M. I. D. (2025). Contesting online exclusion: EU-regulation of content moderation through an agonistic lens. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
van Daalen, O. (2022). Making and breaking with science and conscience: The human rights-compatibility of information security governance in the context of quantum computing and encryption. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Yakovleva, S. (2021). Governing cross-border data flows: Reconciling EU data protection and international trade law. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
van Hoboken, J. V. J. (2012). Search engine freedom: on the implications of the right to freedom of expression for the legal governance of Web search engines. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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