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Dr. B.L. (Berenice) Boutin

Faculty of Law
T.M.C. Asser Instituut

Visiting address
  • Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22
Postal address
  • Postbus 15544
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Dr Berenice Boutin is Senior Researcher in International Law at the Asser Institute, Coordinator of the Research Strand on Disruptive Technologies in Peace and Security, and project leader of the NWO-funded  project Designing International Law and Ethics into Military Artificial Intelligence (DILEMA).

    The DILEMA project explores interdisciplinary perspectives on military AI, with a focus on legal, ethical, and technical perspectives on safeguarding human agency over military AI. It analyses in particular subtle ways in which AI can affect or reduce human agency, and seeks to ensure compliance and accountability by design. For more information on the project, research team, and research results, see the project’s website.

    The Research Strand on Disruptive Technologies in Peace and Security conducts research on technologies that have disruptive implications for international security and international law, such as military AI, data-driven warfare, biochemical weapons, and conventional weapons or dual use technologies with a disruptive potential. Our research focuses, in particular, on the development of the international regulatory framework for the military and security applications of disruptive technologies. Two main lines of enquiry guide our research: on the one hand, we question how legal norms and ethical values can shape technologies, and on the other hand we analyse how technologies challenge our legal and ethical concepts.

    Dr Boutin currently co-supervises two PhD candidates: Taylor Woodcock and Klaudia Klonowska.

    Dr Boutin is the coordinator of the Asser Institute’s Winter Academy on Artificial Intelligence and International Law, a training programme of the Asser Institute, member of the Editorial Board of OXIO, and Associate Fellow with the SHARES Project.

    Dr Boutin previously received funding from Gerda Henkel Stiftung for a research project on the Conceptual and Policy Implications of Increasingly Autonomous Military Technologies for State Responsibility Under International Law (2018-2019). She has been Managing Editor of the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (2016–2019), and Research Fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) (2015–2018).

    Full profile:

  • Publications


    • Boutin, B. L., & Woodcock, T. K. (2024). Aspects of Realizing (Meaningful) Human Control: A Legal Perspective. In R. Geiß, & H. Lahmann (Eds.), Research Handbook on Warfare and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 179-196). Edward Elgar Publishing.



    • Nedeski, N., & Boutin, B. (2021). The Continuing Saga of State Responsibility for the Conduct of Peacekeeping Forces: Recent Practice of Dutch and Belgian Courts. In O. Spijkers, W. G. Werner, & R. A. Wessel (Eds.), Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2019: Yearbooks in International Law: History, Function and Future (pp. 309-332). (Netherlands Yearbook of International Law; Vol. 50). Asser Press. Advance online publication. [details]






    • Boutin, B. (2012). Responsibility of the Netherlands for the acts of Dutchbat in Nuhanović and Mustafić: the continuous quest for a tangible meaning for ‘effective control’ in the context of peacekeeping. Leiden Journal of International Law, 25(2), 521-535. [details]

    Prize / grant

    • Boutin, B. (2020). KNAW Early Career Partnership.
    • Boutin, B. (2019). Designing International Law and Ethics into Military Artificial Intelligence (DILEMA).
    • Boutin, B. (2018). Conceptual and Policy Implications of Increasingly Autonomous Military Technologies for State Responsibility under International Law.
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  • Ancillary activities
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