Companies collect and algorithmically process abundant data from individuals' online activities for communication purposes. While in some contexts algorithmic communication is beneficial for individuals, in algorithmic persuasion, namely persuasive attempts that are data-driven and mediated by algorithms, beneficial outcomes are often questionable. Such persuasion is impactful as it 1) decides who is included in information, advertisements, and opportunities, and who gets excluded, 2) allows companies to influence individuals’ decision making by targeting their personal characteristics and contexts. This creates new disparities and exploits digital vulnerabilities in society, and among individuals. In this workshop we will introduce current research on this issue and brainstorm possible problematic cases and potential solutions.
Joanna Strycharz s assistant professor at ASCoR and her research focuses on personalization algorithms used in online communication platforms. In 2022, via the study of the black box of algorithmic communication, she set up the AI4Society Sandbox with focus on the topic of sandboxing to assess impact of personalization algorithms on individuals and society.
Guda van Noort is Professor of Persuasion & New Media Technologies at the Department of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam. Her research focuses on the new and unique characteristics of so-called new media. She examines the role of new media characteristics, such as interactivity, personalization and targeting, in the persuasion process of (marketing) communications. In recent projects, she investigated algorithmic persuasion effects, effective webcare strategies to counter online complaints, consumer responses to online behavioral advertising, and advertising campaigns in social network sites. Other studies focused on interactivity effects in brand websites, political websites, online games, and digital diplomacy in social media. Recent research initiatives focus on demystifying algorithmic persuasion.
11:00-11:45 What is algorithmic persuasion (AP) and its possible unintended consequences?
11:45-12:15 Light lunch
12:15-13:00 How do we experience unintended consequences of AP and what to do about it?