Carrière, T. C., Boeschoten, L., Struminskaya, B., Janssen, H. L., de Schipper, N. C., & Araujo, T. B. (2024). Best practices for studies using digital data donation. Quality and Quantity, 1-24.
Hase, V., Ausloos, J., Boeschoten, L., Pfiffner, N., Janssen, H., Araujo, T., Carrière, T., de Vreese, C., Haßler, J., Loecherbach, F., Kmetty, Z., Möller, J., Ohme, J., Schmidbauer, E., Struminskaya, B., Trilling, D., Welbers, K., & Haim, M. (2024). Fulfilling data access obligations: How could (and should) platforms facilitate data donation studies? Internet Policy Review, 13(3).[details]
Boeschoten, L., de Schipper, N. C., Mendrik, A. M., van der Veen, E., Struminskaya, B., Janssen, H., & Araujo, T. (2023). Port: A software tool for digital data donation. The Journal of Open Source Software, 8, Article 5596.[details]
Giannopoulou, A., Ausloos, J., Delacroix, S., & Janssen, H. (2022). Intermediating data rights exercises: the role of legal mandates. International Data Privacy Law, 12(4), 316-331. Advance online publication.[details]
Janssen, H., Lee, M. S. A., & Singh, J. (2022). Practical fundamental rights impact assessments. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 30(2), 200-232. Advance online publication.[details]
Lee, M. S. A., Cobbe, J., Janssen, H., & Singh, J. (2022). Defining the scope of AI ADM system risk assessment. In E. Kosta, R. Leenes, & I. Kamara (Eds.), Research handbook on EU data protection law (pp. 405-434). (Research Handbooks in European Law). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication.[details]
Bodó, B., Irion, K., Janssen, H., & Giannopoulou, A. (2021). Personal data ordering in context: the interaction of meso-level data governance regimes with macro frameworks. Internet Policy Review, 10(3). Advance online publication.[details]
Norval, C., Janssen, H., Cobbe, J., & Singh, J. (2021). Data Protection and Tech Startups: The Need for Attention, Support, and Scrutiny. Policy and Internet, 13(2), 278-299. Advance online publication.[details]
Cobbe, J., Lee, M. S. A., Janssen, H., & Singh, J. (2020). Centering the Law in the Digital State. Computer, 53(10), 47-58. Advance online publication.[details]
Janssen, H. L. (2020). An approach for a fundamental rights impact assessment to automated decision-making. International Data Privacy Law, 10(1), 76-106.[details]
Janssen, H., Cobbe, J., & Singh, J. (2020). Personal information management systems: a user-centric privacy utopia? Internet Policy Review, 9(4). Advance online publication.[details]
Janssen, H., Cobbe, J., Norval, C., & Singh, J. (2020). Decentralized data processing: personal data stores and the GDPR. International Data Privacy Law, 10(4), 356–384.[details]
Norval, C., Janssen, H., Cobbe, J., & Singh, J. (2018). Reclaiming, Data: Overcoming App Identification Barriers for Exercising Data Protection Rights. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud and Pervasive Computing (IoT) : UbiComp/ISWC’18 (pp. 921-930). The ACM Digital Library.
Gerards, J., & Janssen, H. L. (2006). Regulation of genetic and other health information in a comparative perspective. European Journal of Health Law, 13(4), 339-398.
Janssen, H. L. (2006). Protocol 14 bij het EVRM: Met maatregelen in Straatsburg zijn we er nog niet: de toekomst van het Hof ligt in handen van de verdragspartijen bij het EVRM. In T. Barkhuijsen, M. Kuijer, & R. Lawson (Eds.), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten | NJCM: 55 jaar Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens (Vol. 1, pp. 123-133). Stichting NJCM-Boekerij.
Janssen, H. L. (2005). Genetic Information in European States. In J. Gerards, A. W. Heringa, & H. Janssen (Eds.), Genetic discrimination and genetic privacy in comparative perspective (Vol. 51, pp. 47-102). Intersentia Rechtswetenschappen.
Janssen, H. L. (2004). Rechtsontwikkelingen in Europese landen. In J. Gevers, & A. Hendriks (Eds.), Bescherming tegen genetische discriminatie: een juridische analyse (Vol. 40, pp. 44-64). Stichting NJCM-Boekerij.
Janssen, H. L. (2023). Digital Data Donation in academic research: consent management, consent template, DPIA management, DPIA template, Privacy policy template for D3i-researchers: Participant consent in D3i research - management and templates. Web publication or website, OSFHOME.
Janssen, H. L. (2022). De toekomst van de digitale rechtsstaat. Pleidooi voor het gebruik van een mensenrechten impact assessment voor de publieke sector. In S. Hardt, M. Eliantonio, & A. P. Van der Mei (Eds.), (L)aw Matters: Blogs and Essays in Honour of prof. dr. Aalt Willem Hering (Vol. 1, pp. 198-204). Boekenmaker.
Janssen, H. L., Verboeket, L. W., Meiring, A., van Hoboken, J. V. J., van Eechoud, M. M. M., van den Brink, J. E., Ortlep, R., & Bodó, B. (2022). Gemeentelijke grip op private sensorgegevens: Juridisch kader voor het gemeentelijke handelingsperspectief bij de verwerking van private sensorgegevens in de openbare ruimte. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Instituut voor Informatierecht.[details]
Janssen, H. L. (2022). Opinie: Commerciële datakluizen lossen problemen met big tech niet op. De Volkskrant.
Janssen, H. L., & Van den Eijnden, P. (2017). De toekomst van de digitale rechtsstaat. In H-M. Breunese (Ed.), Slot akkoord: Liber amicorum Dick van Den Bosch (pp. 153-163). Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken.
Janssen, H. L. (2012). Wie geschoren wordt moet stilzitten. Maar hoe luidt het advies aan de kapper? Don’t try to catch a falling knife – but what should we advise to the ones who dropped the knife? In J. Gerards, & A. Terlouw (Eds.), Amici Curiae: 32 adviezen aan het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. (pp. 135-144). Wolf Legal Publishers.
Janssen, H., Cobbe, J., Norval, C., & Singh, J. (2019). Personal Data Stores and the GDPR's lawful grounds for processing personal data. Paper presented at Data for Policy 2019: Digital Trust and Personal Data, London, United Kingdom.
Janssen, H. (2022-2025). Ethical Advisory Board MemberAs Ethical Advisory Board Member I provide the EU-Horizon TEADAL project with legal and ehitcal advice, mostly (…), EU-Horizon TEADAL project .
Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (18-12-2024). Human Aligned Video Ai Lab (UvA) - Practical fundamental rights impact assessments, Human-Aligned Video AI Lab (HAVA Lab).
Janssen, H. (speaker) (6-12-2024). University of Maastricht, Civil law department - Seminar on data sharing and city logistics, Seminar on data sharing and city logistics, Maastricht.
Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (29-11-2024). The Digital Transformation of Decision-Makin panel at Digital Legal Talks 2024 - Title of talk 'City Data Governance - government access to private data', Digital Legal Talks 2024, Utrecht.
Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (22-10-2024). Utrecht University Data ALLY kick-off seminar “Private sector data for public interest – government-business data relations”. Talk: "Towards a generic legal business to government data sharing framework", Utrecht University Data ALLY Kick-off event “Private sector data for public interest – government-business data relations”.
Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (10-10-2024). EU-Fundamental Rights Agency's expert meeting about Assessing High-Risk AI: Fundamental Rights Impact Assessment, EU-Fundamental Rights Agency's expert meeting about Assessing High-Risk AI, Vienna.
Janssen, H. (speaker) (9-7-2024). TILTing Perspectives 2024, Tilburg University. Talk: Business to Government data sharing via a Third Party., TILTing Perspectives, Tilburg University, Tilburg.
Janssen, H. (speaker) (9-7-2024). TILTing Perspectives 2024, Tilburg University. Speaker in Panel discussion "Problematising data governance", TILTing Perspectives, Tilburg University, Tilburg.
Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (31-5-2024). Data Donation Conference 2024. Paper presentation: "Interpretive entrepreneurship. How the legal Digital Data Donation Initiative research reveals online platform controller shaping of GDPR transparency rights", Data Donation Conference 2024: Data4Science: agency, Transparency and Reciprocity in Data Donation.
Janssen, H. (keynote speaker) (2-10-2023). The legal context of applying to IoT capturing personal data in public spaces - "The case of smart doorbells", Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.
Janssen, H. (speaker) (13-4-2023). Data Commons For Public Good, Amsterdam Economic Board (AMEC).
Janssen, H. (keynote speaker) & Verboeket, L. (invited speaker) (11-4-2023). Gemeentelijke grip op private sensorgegevens: Onderzoek voor de gemeente Amsterdam, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Janssen, H. (speaker) (28-3-2023). Expert workshop "Understanding data intermediaries for more inclusive data governance", Joint Research Committee European Commission.
Janssen, H. (speaker) (23-3-2023). Pitfalls & opportunities of the "Data Intermediary" in Business-to-government data sharing, Gemeente Amsterdam.
Janssen, H. (speaker) (23-6-2022). Netherlands Network of Human Rights Researchers, Netherlands Network of Human Rights Researchers, Leiden.
Bodó, B. (speaker) & Janssen, H. (speaker) (6-10-2021). Trust, Blockchain-based Technologies, the Public Sector, and the Social Good, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) annual meeting, Toronto.
Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (9-6-2021). A first impression of regulatory powers in the Digital Services Act, Faculty of Law, University of Utrecht.
Janssen, H. (invited speaker) (20-4-2021). Human Rights Impact Assessment for AI systems; Roundtable Amnesty International, Expert session organised by Amnesty International about "human rights impact assessment", Amsterdam.
Giannopoulou, A. (speaker), Irion, K. (speaker), Bodó, B. (speaker) & Janssen, H. (speaker) (29-1-2021). Governing “European values” inside data flows, Governing European values inside data flows, Amsterdam.
Janssen, H. (speaker) (3-9-2020). Digital Identity in Technology, Humanities and Economy, The Digital Person Symposium, Cambridge.
Janssen, H. (organiser) & van Engers, T. (organiser) (9-12-2024). Business to government data sharing via third party, part 2 (follow up of workshop of 27 May 2024)., Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Janssen, H. (organiser) & Graef, I. (organiser) (24-10-2024). IViR & TILT City Data Governance Conference, Amsterdam. IViR & TILT City Data Governance Conference. The impact of the new EU data governance legal framework at the local level. Janssen also acted as (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Janssen, H. (chair) (31-5-2024). Data Donation Conference 2024, Amsterdam. Individuals are increasingly aware of the large amounts of personal data collected from them by when they use services and want more agency in the (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Janssen, H. (organiser) (27-5-2024). Workshop “Business-to-Government datadelen via een derde partij (B2G3P)”. Organiser and Chair of this event.During the workshop, we focus on data sharing by companies with a municipality. More specifically, as researchers, (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Janssen, H. (participant) (30-1-2024). Kick-off meeting projects Responsible Digital Transformations. Presentation of grant winning research project "Business-to-governemnet data sharing via a third party", Amsterdam. The goal of the kick-off meeting is to meet and inform each other about the projects, to share experiences with interdisciplinary work at the UvA (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Janssen, H. (participant) (4-9-2023). Implications of the upcoming EU-leglsiation on local data sharing, Brussels (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Janssen, H. (participant) (4-7-2023). Closing Conference of the Blockchain and Society Lab, Amsterdam. I participated in the panel "NFTs, copyright, commons" where I discussed the role of data intermediaries in B2G data sharing. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Janssen, H. (examiner) (1-7-2023 - 31-1-2024). Member of promotion commission, eLaw, Faculty of Law, University of Leiden (examination).
Janssen, H. (organiser) (9-5-2023). Workshop on Digital Urban Citizenship at NIAS/KNAW. I organised a workshop at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS/KNAW) to present the intermediate results of research carried out during (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Janssen, H. (visiting researcher) (1-9-2022 - 30-6-2023). Netherlands Institute for the Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Science (NIAS) (visiting an external institution).
Ferrari, V. (visiting lecturer), Giannopoulou, A. (visiting lecturer), Quintais, J. (visiting lecturer), Bodó, B. (visiting lecturer) & Janssen, H. (visiting lecturer) (14-4-2021 - 16-4-2021). Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (visiting an external institution).
Janssen, H. (chair) (16-12-2020 - 31-12-2022). Data Governance Reading Group, Amsterdam. Data Governance Reading Group (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Janssen, H. L. (2003). Constitutionele interpretatie: Een rechtsvergelijken onderzoek naar de vaststelling van de reikwijdte van het recht op persoonlijkheid. [Thesis, fully external, Maastricht University, Faculty of Law]. SDU Uitgeverij.
Bodó, B., & Janssen, H. (2021). Here Be Dragons – Maintaining Trust in the Technologized Public Sector. (Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies Research Paper; No. 2021-23), (Institute for Information Law Research Paper; No. 2021-02). IViR, University of Amsterdam.[details]
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