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Join Responsible Digital Transformations on 17 June for a workshop dedicated to exploring AI democratization featuring Praneeta Konduri, Randon Taylor, and Thijs Kuipers. Through this interactive session, participants will learn about the concept of democratization, while focusing on its application in reducing biases associated with ischemic stroke research.
Event details of RDT Monthly Meeting: AI democratization & Medical Research
17 June 2024
11:00 -13:00

In this interactive session, participants will learn about the concept of AI democratization and the role it plays in reducing biases in a clinical project focusing on the modeling of treatment evaluation of patients with an acute ischemic stroke.

The set up of the workshop is:

  1. Highlight the Discourse: Engage in discussions surrounding AI democratization.
  2. Apply Democratization to Ischemic Stroke Research: Examine how democratization principles can enhance research practices in the field of ischemic stroke.
  3. Construct a Model Together: Collaboratively develop a model of democratization, utilizing a provided case study and insights from the audience.

After the talk, we invite you to participate in a discussion with the speakers. Share your insights, ask questions, and contribute to the dialogue. 

We hope to see you at IAS, but for those who are not able to physically attend, we offer the opportunity to join this event online.


Randon Taylor is a Post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam. He received his PhD in sociology from the University of Miami in Miami, Florida. His research focus spans social determinants of health, technology and society, and health disparities. He is currently exploring the advantages of democratizing AI for both organizations and society. Additionally, he is investigating methods of digital resistance within African diaspora communities. Previously, he served as a visiting scholar for the AI for Good Foundation, where he collaborated on developing an ethical framework for their health initiative.

Praneeta Konduri is a Post-doctoral researcher at Amsterdam UMC. She works on the INSIST project (INSIST-H2020) and is the PI of an RDT seed grant.

Thijs Kuipers is a PhD candidate at Amsterdam UMC.


11:00 - 13:00  Programme including a light vegetarian lunch 

This is a hybrid event. If you'd like to join us online, please use the Zoom link